The Office of Summer, Winter & Special Programs schedules classrooms and computer laboratories for all credit-bearing courses offered during summer and winter sessions. Language laboratories or other special facilities needed for summer and winter classes should be scheduled by the instructor. To request a room change or to schedule a room for make-up classes, please submit an RT Ticket to “OSWP-Scheduling-SW” at
REX provides a report that may be helpful to you when requesting classroom space. To access this report, log in to REX and search for the Classroom Occupancy report or look under Curriculum Management > Room.
For classroom or building service requests (heating or cooling, light replacement, etc.) contact Facilities Management Work Control at 410/455-2550.
For Language Lab reservations, contact the International Media Center at 410/455-2464.
Summer / Winter Classroom Locations
In addition to UMBC’s main campus, summer and winter session classes are also offered in Montgomery County and in Baltimore City. Our goal is to make it easy for students (and faculty) to take classes closer to home. We encourage you to consider offering summer and winter classes at these additional locations. Contact the Office of Summer, Winter & Special Programs for more details.
UMBC-Shady Grove – Rockville, MD
UMBC at The Universities at Shady Grove is a full-service branch campus located at the University System of Maryland (USM) higher education regional center in Rockville, MD. Home to four undergraduate and three graduate programs during the fall/spring semesters, UMBC has academic staff and faculty based on site, as well as information technology support, extensive library resources, recreation, and food services. State-of-the-art classroom facilities and shared faculty office space is available.
During summer and winter sessions, classes at Shady Grove are open to students in all majors, and are offered as a convenient alternative to those who live in the greater Montgomery County area.
Courses taught at UMBC-Shady Grove follow the UMBC academic calendar and use all UMBC technologies and applications (i.e. People Soft, Blackboard, Cloud Services, etc.). Faculty teaching at UMBC-Shady Grove will need to obtain a USG ID card and parking permit to access resources on campus.
Learn more about UMBC-Shady Grove at:
Lion Brothers Building – Downtown Baltimore
The historic Lion Brothers Building is the home of UMBC’s new downtown classroom, and is available for summer/winter classes. The Lion Brothers Building is located near the University of Maryland Baltimore (UMB) campus in Southwest Baltimore near the Hollins Market neighborhood. It is easily accessible by public transportation and UMBC’s shuttle service. UMBC has its own classroom and studio facilities, and shares the building with UMB’s BioPark and several other tenants. Free parking is offered on-site, and daytime food services are available.
Summer / Winter Classroom Locations