Course Cancellations & Inclement Weather Class Make-up Policy

Cancelled Courses Due to Low Enrollment

During registration, course enrollments are monitored weekly by the Office of Summer, Winter & Special Programs. Approximately one week before the session begins, the Special Sessions Policy Committee (SSPC) reviews course enrollments for each department. Courses with insufficient enrollments may be recommended for cancellation. If the SSPC recommends canceling a low-enrolled course, the OSWSP notifies the department chair of the committee’s recommendation. The department chair may determine that special circumstances warrant offering the course despite low enrollments. Any decision to cancel a course will be confirmed between the OSWSP and the department chair before cancellation.

When a course is cancelled, students are automatically de-registered from the class, the OSWSP cancels the class in PeopleSoft, contacts the necessary administrative departments on campus, and notifies the instructor and enrolled students. If a course is cancelled due to low enrollments ten calendar days or less before the start of the summer or winter session, faculty are compensated 10% of their contracted course salary. OSWSP will revise the faculty contract as needed.

Cancelled Class Meetings Due to University Closings or Inclement Weather

Summer and winter sessions include several university holidays when the campus is closed, and classes are cancelled. Faculty should confirm that their course meets minimum contact hour requirements and plan to make up any times missed due to campus closure. In-person classes cancelled due to inclement weather or an emergency closing of UMBC will be rescheduled for the first Saturday following the cancelled class at the normal meeting time and place. Instructors may also choose to schedule an alternative make-up day or time for their courses at their discretion. Contact our office to confirm room availability. Online and/or hybrid courses with an online component are expected to meet as scheduled.